Terms and conditions for the sale of tickets for events organized by the ABSL Services s.r.o., ID: 11874333


  1. The ABSL Services s.r.o., ID: 11874333, with its registered office at Jugoslávská 620/29, Vinohrady (Prague 2), 120 00 Prague, registered in L 58547/MSPH Municipal Court in Prague, hereinafter referred to as the “Company”, issues these terms and conditions.

These terms and conditions govern the sale of tickets for events.


  1. The association, through its website https://shop.absl.cz/, invites proposals for the purchase of tickets for the specified event. The provisions of § 1732 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “CC”), do not apply.
  2. To order tickets, it is necessary to provide and submit all data required for ticket reservation.
  3. By placing an order through the Company’s online interface, available from https://shop.absl.cz/, the ticket buyer (hereinafter referred to as the “Proposer”) submits a proposal for a contract to purchase tickets for the specified event (hereinafter also referred to as the “Order”). Upon acceptance of the Order, the Company will reserve the ticket for the Proposer.
  4. By submitting the Order, the Proposer agrees to these terms and conditions and the Privacy Policy. These terms and conditions form part of the contract content according to § 1751 paragraph 1 of the CC. If we agree on different sales terms, for example, in subsequent email communication, the different terms take precedence over these terms and conditions.
  5. The purchase contract for tickets is concluded upon the Company’s acceptance of the ticket order by sending an email confirmation to the email address provided by the Proposer in the ticket order.
  6. Considering the nature of the event and the ticket price, the Proposer is considered a professional and is not considered a consumer under § 419 of the CC. Therefore, consumer protection provisions, especially those in § 1810 et seq. of the CC, do not apply.
  7. The purchase price can be paid online by credit card or by bank transfer based on the issued invoice. In the case of bank transfer, the purchase price is due seven (7) days from the invoice date.
  8. The Company will send the ticket to the Proposer by email.
  9. The ticket is tied to a specific participant, the individual specified by the Proposer in the ticket order (“Participant”). The Participant can be changed upon request.


  1. The price is listed on the e-shop when ordering the ticket.
  2. If the Participant cannot attend the event, the paid amount for the tickets is non-refundable, and only the change of Participant according to Article II. IX. of these terms and conditions, or moving the Participant’s attendance to the next immediate event date without refunding the paid price, is possible.
  3. In the event of event cancellation, the Proposer is entitled to a full refund of the ticket price.


  1. The Privacy Policy applies to customers and participants of the educational event who are individuals, which is part of these terms and conditions.


  1. These terms and conditions take effect on January 1, 2024, and apply to ticket purchases on the e-shop https://shop.absl.cz/. They may subsequently be replaced by a new version. The ineffectiveness of the terms and conditions does not affect the effectiveness of the Privacy Policy, which remains effective independently.
  2. These terms and conditions are written in Czech and English. In case of interpretation differences, the Czech terms are binding.


  1. The association’s obligations towards Proposers and potential claims of Proposers or interested parties towards the association are statute-barred within one (1) year.
  2. The association reserves the right to change the content of these terms and conditions at any time, especially the ticket price.
  3. If any provision of these terms and conditions is invalid or ineffective, the provision whose meaning is closest to the invalid provision will replace it. The invalidity or ineffectiveness of one provision does not affect the validity of the other provisions.
  4. For relations with an international element, the law governing disputes arising in connection with these terms and conditions and contractual relationships based on them is agreed to be Czech law. The courts competent to resolve disputes between the contractual parties are the Czech courts.